Welcome to the BHLR Signalling Diagram

The Track Diagram

The track plan is 'live' with regard to train location, loco names if set.

New for 2024 Signal aspects are now displayed.

The 'live' data is driven by Raspberry Pi and MQTT Technologies.

There are 2 Raspberry Pi's, one at Much Natter connected to the Much Natter and Little Moore interlockings, the other at Tunnel East. In total there is capacity for 256 inputs spread across the 2 systems.

Train Location

When a train is on a section of track, it is detected due to the wheels creating a short circuit, the location of trains are shown in red.

Loco Name

When a train has had a specific loco name assigned to it the name will appear in blue either above or below a track section associated with that train it will then be moved signal to signal as the train progress around the circuit or is being shunted.

During its journey the name will move to the next signal, waiting for the train to reach it, then move on when the train passes that signal.


Signal aspect status are shown in the same manner as the actual signal:

For the semaphore signals the 'arm' is shown as either horizontal for stop, or down at 45o for clear to proceed.

For the colour light signals, the aspect is either red for stop or green for proceed or yellow for proceed with caution

For the shunting/call-on signals, the aspect is white.